
3:59 PM / posted by MadHatter /

Things I'm doing:
1. Blogging
2. Listening to Thirsty Merc
3. Chatting on MSN
4. Looking around the room
5. Drinking Redbull
6. Eating grapes
7. Reading the latest posts on passive-aggressive

Things I should be doing:
1. Studying for my mid-semester exam on Friday
2. Drinking more Redbull to wake up
3. Not be doing all the other stuff

Things I want:
1. Socks, my feet are cold
2. A couch
3. A TV
4. A job
5. $$$ hence, the job
6. Lollies
7. a massage

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Comment by mattypoo on April 22, 2009 at 8:14 PM

Geeez lyn... you should be concentrating! LOL!

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