Expensive shoes

9:45 PM / posted by MadHatter /

Vogue Forums
Ok, I'm reading some of the threads in here and thinking, "Where the fuck do girls get the money to splurge like this?"
YSL Patent Pumps for $725. They were hot, so ok...if you can afford it. But a Fendi pencil case for $150? Are you fucking kidding me?
Burberry Knight heels? Jimmy Choos, Manolo Blanhiks, Miu Miu? I haven't heard of half of the other brands mentioned but God damn..what a wonderful world they're living in if buying a $500 pair of shoes sounds as casual as they make it to be. And I understand if it's some rich investment banker lady rocking these shoes, but many of the girls on here are in university or highshool. Damn rich people.
So to all those who have said that I am rich in the past - what, does it look like I shit out cash? Or my parents, for that matter?

Alright, I'm sorry. I'm just mad because I'm broke as a joke and haven't been shopping since January and haven't had a job till now. I'm going shopping tomorrow though! With a limited supply of cash, ofcourse :(. I want a trust fund for Christmas!! boo



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