examples of why msn is not an effective mode of communication

5:25 AM / posted by MadHatter / comments (1)

Ok. Althought I'm almost always signed into msn when I'm on the computer, I've never fancied it as an effective communication tool.
Here are some reasons as to why:

Mc`Lyn: i haven't seen a movie in agess
ѕчlvz: download
Mc`Lyn: yeah
ѕчlvz:no, as in why dont you download some
Mc`Lyn: yeah i know
Mc`Lyn: that's why i said yeah
Sylvz: OH

Mc`Lyn: What you doing?
'A': At my cousins babysitting
'A': What up?
Mc`Lyn: lots of things
Mc`Lyn: having fun ?
'A': how are u having fun?
Mc`Lyn: not really, quite the opposite
'A': huh? so you having fun or not?
Mc`Lyn: I asked you if you were having fun babysitting
'A': OH
Mc`Lyn: -_-

(talking about reading and writing viet)
david: can you read and write?
Mc`Lyn: i can read better than write but haven't dont both in a while so i'm prolly rusty
david: u mean the food in the restaurants?
Mc`Lyn (after 5 minutes of thinking): i can eat food..i dont think i can read them though..o.0

CnG798: day off tomorroe
CnG798: which ill valuee
CnG798: to sleep in
Mc`Lyn: haha
Mc`Lyn: sleep now
CnG798: ok
CnG798: nitees
CnG798: byee
Mc`Lyn: byee

minutes later...

Mc`Lyn: i thought you were going to bed
CnG798: i thought u were...
Mc`Lyn: i told YOU to go to bed..
CnG798: u said bed time...
Mc`Lyn: LOL
Mc`Lyn: alright then...big misunderstanding -_-

an hour later...

CnG798: ahahhahaha
CnG798: anyways
CnG798: bedtiimmee
Mc`Lyn: for real this time?
CnG798: for real -_-


1:07 AM / posted by MadHatter / comments (1)

Things I have learn't this semester:

  1. Absolutely nothing.
  2. I will not get offered honours. This is not a big deal. (This is a big deal)
  3. I suck at time management.
  4. I should not pick up calls by private numbers. Some sucker is calling me right now.
  5. I should bank my pay if I want to save.
  6. I need to study better. (faster and more efficiently minus msn and youtube. I don't get hooked onto facebook)
  7. My vocabulary is very limited. (Scramble challenges me)
  8. That sucker is calling again and I'm still not picking up.
  9. I can lick my nipples.
  10. Number 10 was a joke.
  11. Sleep is important.


The Way Life Should be..

7:55 PM / posted by MadHatter / comments (0)

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A death. What's that, a bonus? I think the life cycle is all backwards. You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch, you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy retirement. You drink alcohol, you party, and you get ready for High School. You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities, you become a little baby, you go back into the womb, you spend your last 9 months floating... then you finish off as an orgasm! Amen." - George Costanza, Seinfeld.


A little too late there, mate

1:36 AM / posted by MadHatter / comments (1)

Notice that I don't receive apologetic messages of appreciation from my ex boyfriends until months and years after breaking up. Is it just me, or is that a tad delayed?

I'm not doubting the sincerity of your expressions, but wouldn't these words have been more valid say, during the last few minutes when we're exchanging our last goodbyes? More influential in the month of the breakup when I was trying to get over you? More moving within the 3 months after breakup when I would've felt something?

Is it because you've just suddenly had a bloody epiphany one day and decided to thank/apologise to all the ex girlfriends you've had in your life? Or did that little voice inside you named Conscience dictate that whole heart-felt message? Well, 2 or 3 lines of a message.

Haha don't get me wrong. Although a bit weird, but thanks. It was nice. Atleast its better delayed than not ever being executed at all. But you know, asking me about the weather would have been more relevant. =S

Don't lie to yourself...

12:28 PM / posted by MadHatter / comments (0)

To be frank,
No one's going to buy your ticket to melbourne because they love you so much. People won't get together and bid you farewell over dim sum because you're going on holidays for a week and they'll miss you. Surprise parties are only thrown for "special people". No, your friend is not going to call you up after 3 months of not talking and offer to make amends. Things just don't work that way. Shot gun? Haha, no one's going to save you a seat in their car or offer your a ride from a to b. Drunk and k.o'd? Sick and coughing your guts out? Then find a place to die quietly. Because in most cases, generosity is not naturally embedded in people to spend a few weeks pay on a few days with you. They ain't gonna notice if you're absent from the country for a week or 2. or 3. Age is just a number. And since we're going all out here, let's be honest. No one gives a shit about the day you were born and it's either a first come first serve process or preconceived mutual obligation between people for shotgunned seats. The rest? hah, find your own way or walk there. "Bro-ship" and "sisterhoods" are shortlived and rarely lived up to. People don't care because they care, they care because it's rude not to pretend to. Atleast during the first few months anyway, when "friendship" is played out closest to the way it's supposed to be. People are lazy, and forgetful so caring is eventually forgotten. So make yourself one of the main players if you wanna be regonised. If you're kinda hanging out on the sidelines then yes, you will fall behind and be marginalised.

So you see, friendship is merely a construct of what people would like it to be but are too lazy driven by self interest to carry it out. The laws of give and take are almost never balanced so please don't base your thesis on a myth. The affinity of humans to each other is actually false advertising. People strive to be accepted and remembered. they waste time, money, effort just so others might remember to sms them on their birthday. Facebook is just a means to remind people about others. Sarah's birthday is tomorrow, oh better message her then.

Don't lie to yourself. you won't be missed when you're gone.


Expensive shoes

9:45 PM / posted by MadHatter / comments (0)

Vogue Forums
Ok, I'm reading some of the threads in here and thinking, "Where the fuck do girls get the money to splurge like this?"
YSL Patent Pumps for $725. They were hot, so ok...if you can afford it. But a Fendi pencil case for $150? Are you fucking kidding me?
Burberry Knight heels? Jimmy Choos, Manolo Blanhiks, Miu Miu? I haven't heard of half of the other brands mentioned but God damn..what a wonderful world they're living in if buying a $500 pair of shoes sounds as casual as they make it to be. And I understand if it's some rich investment banker lady rocking these shoes, but many of the girls on here are in university or highshool. Damn rich people.
So to all those who have said that I am rich in the past - what, does it look like I shit out cash? Or my parents, for that matter?

Alright, I'm sorry. I'm just mad because I'm broke as a joke and haven't been shopping since January and haven't had a job till now. I'm going shopping tomorrow though! With a limited supply of cash, ofcourse :(. I want a trust fund for Christmas!! boo



7:54 PM / posted by MadHatter / comments (0)

I thought I should talk about my first day at work. Yep.. I rocked up to uni in work attire - a white button up blouse and black pants and got a whole heap of "you're dressed up today". Reminds me of the time when i wore baggy black khaki-material kinda pants and people went hysterical because they thought I was going for a job interview. Well, not hysterical but i received a lot of remarks.

I now work at a pharmacy in Bedfore. How I got the job? My family friend is the new manager there. Work was ok. The till makes me feel like an unco-ordinated retard and the customers are nice. old, but nice. Other than getting bullied by the cash register and EFTPOS machine, overall it was ok. I could hack it, it was hackable. I was disappointed by the available eateries surrounding the place though. The selection was very bland - we're next to City Farmers, a servo, a dog grooming salon, a bank, a gym, a lunchbar, a sushi place (which happened to be closed at 1pm wth?) and a kebab shop. So looks like i need to start bringing in my own lunch.

Ummmm...I dunno what the pay rate is yet, and my set hours for the time being are Mondays 3-7 and Saturdays 9-6. This Saturday I'm working with a newly registered pharmacist who's just graduated. Was told she doesn't do much and likes to keep to herself. And that she's lazy. fantastic. Hope all goes well.

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