I never thought I would be one to blog -again. My previous one failed miserably because I was always so lazy to update it and I guess I didn't have much to say back then.
Nevertheless I'm back again and hopefully I can keep this one up and filled with words, thoughts, and emotional ventilation.
Soooo the reason for my urge to blog?
No reason. I just thought I should start articulating my thoughts again. Since year 12 I swear I've gotten dumber. "Gotten"? Is that even a word?? <- You see what I mean? I need to exercise my english again. I asked a friend what he thought of blogging while contemplating whether or not I should start putting my life to print again. It went something like this:
Mc`Lyn: was it fun?
mr. spontaneous.: hmmmmmmmmm
mr. spontaneous.: i reckon its kinda stupid
Mc`Lyn: why?
mr. spontaneous.: hahaha
mr. spontaneous.: well
mr. spontaneous.: if ur just gonna rant...
mr. spontaneous.: dont make one
mr. spontaneous.: if u can make it artistic....
mr. spontaneous.: go ahead
mr. spontaneous.: i used to like blogs
mr. spontaneous.: but then i figured..
mr. spontaneous.: its a bit weird if someone reads about ur life
Mc`Lyn: what do u mean by artistic?
mr. spontaneous.: like....
mr. spontaneous.: u have to make it interesting
mr. spontaneous.: i found it boring after a while
Mc`Lyn: lol Mc`Lyn: alright
Mc`Lyn: well ill start one anyway
Mc`Lyn: and if it gets boring ill just let it die
mr. spontaneous.: alright
mr. spontaneous.: my input had NO affect at all
On the contrary, my new friend Simon disagrees with Matt, disagreeing that my life would be too boring to broadcast through a blog. I quote our msn convo:
REGRETFULsimmybear: i think ure pretty interesting
REGRETFULsimmybear: and if u blog the way u talk
REGRETFULsimmybear: im sure ur blog will be heaps good
Thank you, Simon. Matt, a blog isn't about entertainment for other people - accurately and effectively conveying your emotions while articulating it in a way that would provide entertainment/enojoyment/amusement for other is just too hard. I don't think blogs are supposed to serve that purpose? But then again it comes down to the individual and what they want their blog to be. Some people blog about their life, some about their hobbies, their uni/school life, people have poetry blogs, beauty/fashion blogs, music blogs. So I'll blog blog blog about my rantings all day all night to my heart's content if I want =].
-> Next Question
so why is my blog called 2am?
2am is usually the hour I'm most productive. You can find me cleaning my room, practising piano, planning for the next day etc etc. While all the normal people in this country is fast asleep, even if I am lying in bed my mind is working its hardest, generating an abundance amount of random thoughts to do with my day, my future, my life, my friends, my family, my apetite, him and other thoughts alike. hence the blog name: 2am.
Ok... so now that those are out of the way where should I start?
hrmm... How about how my day went? Technically I didn't have a "day". Last night after coming home from Sophia's bbq with a swollen foot and scratched polished toenails I cleaned my room for our expectant guests who were coming in from melbourne. So yes, I don't have my room for this whole week :( boo. but in the name of good hosts and reputable hospitality I sucked it in like a man and gave up my bed like a generous samaritan (go me!). Anyway my "day" consisted of sleeping at 1am and waking up at 4pm. Boo yeah! Yess I am good in bed ;) Then I had piano concert rehearsal at 6pm, picked my cousin up from my mum's bakery/lunchbar, came home and dinnered, then dl music, chat, spent an hour deciding whether to blog or not and here I am posting my first few words of wisdom =)
Soooo....Let's look at what has been happening lately:
I believe my life is made up of 4 big components at the moment: uni/career, family, friends and love.
Let's start off with the one that gets everyone screwed over:
love. Around 3 weeks ago I had a boyfriend and now I don't. And a big part of the reason as to why I've been in such a rotten mood these past few weeks is because of him. :( But more about him another day. I have a feeling I'll be ranting on about him and the reasons as to why love is such a pain in the ass a lot.
uni. well..uni's OVER! MUHhauhauhau =D About 3 months ago I reconsidered my law/commerce degree at murdoch and came to the realisation that law just ain't for me. I'm actually pretty good arguing but I think what I lacked was the passion to argue - especially mooting on crap like damages and torts. Put it frankly: I'd rather watch grass grow -_-.
I started to find arguments such a waste of time and effort. I didn't fit in with other law students. Everyone was so passionate and just.. into it. And I definately am not =/ Nevertheless I enjoyed Crim and torts and ALS and reading&writing. I shall miss referring to the "reasonable prudent man" haha!
So where am I heading now? Being in the indecisive phase I am in now, I opted for a transfer to UWA going into a single commerce degree. Reason? It's the most versatile degree and one of the only degrees I'm willing to pursue that would also keep my parents seated comfortably watching Paris By Night while bragging on about their daughter's achievements to other parents alike.
So commerce from here and we'll see where I venture off to later, shall we? teheeehehee.
family. My immediate family consists of me, my mum and my dad. we haven't always been perfect, then again no family is. But I like to think that we atleast try to get along and when the world walks out on me I can always depend on my them to be there for me. As they say blood is always thicker.
It's the first day of the Christmas season so this is a good time for us. Although maybe on a daily basis we don't always get alot, my family's one of those ones that always makes the exception for Christmas. Ahh..that's what I love about Christmas. Those who know me know that I love this time of the year =)
friends. thing's haven't really been going well in this department either. About a week ago I had an argument with one of my closest friends. It was over something stupid but I'm really starting to regret it. I admit that Saturday night I shouldn’t have gone off at her. But the fault wasn’t entirely mine and she had a big role to play in the whole ordeal too. It was after exams, after the realisation of being dumped kicked in and during a time that I needed her most. Funny, because she’s the one who’s taking her sweet time to get over it. I wish she would just get over it already and stop wasting both our time over meaningless grudges -_- talking about it just makes me angry so more about that another day.
So when two out of four things are going wrong I shall move on, fix what I can and focus my life on things within my control for the time being. Heh! Easier said than done -_-
My net disconnected for 3 hours before I got to post this and now it's like 1:15am and I can feel angry thoughts brewing in my mind again. Time to get some fresh air. The moon looks like a smiley face tonight with the two stars as my friend says so I'll go check that out. I wouldn't be surprised if I'm back here again in a few hours to rant rant rant.
Aww. and the person I told could be the first reader of my blog is now off to sleep. Too bad.
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